I've been watching this site from afar for a very long time, only recently making my account and planing on submitting. Before this time, however, I was very displeased by the way this site was ran, with all the wrongful flames, bans, and just out right ugly people. I ignored it, and eventually came to make my accout, I the supreme video game player; docter eggman they call me. so before I did anything I notice that these problems I've mentioned weren't getting any better! In fact they are getting worse! and so my friends I tell you I will not sleep I will not eat until I have this site mowed down. And turned into my greatest dream... EGGMANLAND! From this point on my friends you my simply give over your land to me and in return you will be robotnitized and have a place to stay in eggman land forever! All those who object will be destroyed!
Thank you, and have a blessed day
-docter eggman